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Jewelry Care

Wear, tarnish, and scratches are inevitable when you wear jewelry. Care for different materials is very similar, but varies slightly. Here are some universal tips to increase the longevity of your pieces and prolong the luster. 

  1. Take off your pieces before certain activities including:
    1. Working out
    2. Showering
    3. Cleaning
    4. Swimming
    5. Any activity that may scratch the surface of your jewelry 
  2. Try to keep your jewelry away from harsh chemicals, like chlorine and household cleaning products, perfumes, lotions, and hair products, etc. 
  3. Keep your jewelry in the air tight bag provided with your purchase when you are not wearing it. This prevents tarnishing and scratches. 
  4. Keep small trinket dishes around the house so you don't misplace your jewelry.

How to Clean Your Jewelry:

To clean your metal jewelry, soak in mild detergent-free soap and warm water and use a soft bristled brush (like a soft toothbrush). Complimentary polishing cloths are provided with every sterling silver and solid gold purchase. They should not be used on plated sterling, as it will take off a thin layer of the gold. Make sure your pieces are completely dry before you use the cloth, because the cloth is treated with a polishing compound that will ruin the cloth. They can be used over and over again, so don't throw them out! Feel free to reach out if you have further questions or need suggestions for what I do! 


Pearl Care:

To ensure a long life, we recommend taking off your pearl necklace before bed to prevent stretching or tangling. When you are not wearing your necklace, store flat or in a protective pouch! Pearls want to be worn, so enjoy them often to prevent them from dehydrating. Avoid perfumes, make up, all chemicals and excessive perspiration during wear. If you are wearing perfume make sure you put your pearls on at the end of your getting ready process. And while it might be tempting to jump into the pool with your necklace on, if your necklace is make with silk thread, the water can weaken it. To clean your pearls, hold one end of your necklace, dampen a soft cloth, and gently use your index and thumb to wipe off dirt and grease! 

Tse-Wall uses the highest quality silk thread for its strength and beauty however, it is recommended to get pearls restrung every year to ensure it never breaks suddenly on you. Newer necklaces are made with a more durable thread / wire because it is slightly stronger and you won't have to worry about restringing every year. Please do not hesitate to reach out (via DM or email us at if you have any other questions about care! 

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